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中美网美国留学  www.usaer.net  2012-12-09  来源: sohu  编辑: joe

编者按:举了夏威夷里的a series of islands为例。又说了俩人,分别对板块漂移学说做出了贡献,因为他俩分别做了一些相关research来证明自己的假设。最后说这种发放有局限性 只能通过新形成的来测飘的trail,老的就不行了,因为它们存在时间短。

1. 一个在Iran伊朗的上古聚落,人类最早的城市,简单介绍这个城市,城市成长依靠旁边的卫星城市(农业),介绍一个观念,多馀的粮食导致专精技工的产生。


瓷器 (pottery) 有标准规格,所以规格选择较少;

纺织 (textile) 专业组织;

矿业 (mental);

立体印章 (cylinder seal) 强调比石器时代的印章还要精緻,并强调东西已经到专家级水准。

关于Mesopotamia美索不达米亚文化,最开始说它农业发展很好,然后说其实它的craft类的也比较不错,由开始的自己家里人做慢慢转到专业的人生产,但生产的pottery等东西没装饰,纯使用,并且有基本相同的standard。最后一段说它也有一些cylinder seal什麽的,它们的surface显示生产他们的人也是会专业技巧的。总体都在强调那些craftsman都是有专业的technical skill的。

单字题:intact =undamaged

Civilization emerged in Mesopotamia because the soil provided a surplus of food. With this surplus, people could settle down to village life and with these new settlements, towns and cities began to make their appearance, a process known as urbanization. With settlements and a surplus of food came an increase in the population, a well-defined division of labor, organization, cooperation and kingship. The emergence of cities involved interaction between people. Most cities evolved from smaller farming villages and with the practice of irrigation, which was necessary for villages distant from the Tigris and Euphrates, a stable food supply was produced. This, in turn, allowed increases in the number of people who inhabited each settlement.

Because the land closest to the river was the most fertile, there was a variation in terms of the wealth of these early farmers, which led to distinct social classes. At the same time, the construction of canals, ditches and dikes essential to irrigation demanded cooperation between different social groups. Decision-making,regulation and control of all food production and herding meant cooperation. And because more food could be produced by less people, some people gave up farming and became craftsmen, laborers, merchants and officials and this too required cooperation. The Mesopotamians built massive temples or ziggurats which housed the priestly class, the human representatives of the gods. The priests controlled the religious life of the community, the economy, land ownership, the employment of workers as well as the management of long distance trade.

Mesopotamian villages and towns eventually evolved into independent and nearly self-sufficient city-states. Although largely economically dependent on one another,these city-states were independent political entities and retained very strong isolationist tendencies. This isolationism hindered the unification of the Mesopotamian city-states, which eventually grew to twelve in number.

By 3000 B.C., Mesopotamian civilization had made contact with other cultures of the Fertile Crescent (a term first coined by James Breasted in 1916), an extensive trade network connecting Mesopotamia with the rest of Ancient Western Asia. Again, it was the two rivers which served as both trade and transportation routes.


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